Hallfield Primary School is a community school for girls and boys from 2 to 11 year-olds. Our children come from Bayswater and the wider areas around Westminster.
Admission to the primary school (Reception to Year 6) is handled by the Westminster Admissions Team (see link below). Deadline for Reception 2024 applications is 15 January 2025. If you have missed the deadline, please complete your online application form as soon as possible via as in some circumstances the Westminster Admissions Team may still be able to treat your application as on-time.
If you want to know more about Hallfield, please do contact the school office for an appointment.
Presentation slides for Reception Class can be viewed below.
The admission to the 3 year-olds nursery is handled by the school. The Nursery admission policy and application form can be collected from the school or downloaded from this page. The nursery is full and part time.
For the 2 year-olds nursery provision - 15 hours per week, we offer free and paid places.
For the free places, parents have to meet an eligibility criteria. The process is as follows:
1. Parent applies online. We can help you with the application. Please contact us to make an appointment.
2. Application is processed (3 weeks).
3. Parent receives Busy 2's Ticket if eligible.
4. Parent liaises with school to arrange start date.
For the paid places, please contact the school to arrange an appointment.
From April 2024, 2 year olds from working families will be entitled to 15 hours funding if the parents meet the criteria, which is the same as the current criteria for 30 hours. More information is available in the FAQs document below.