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KS1 & 2 Curriculum

At Hallfield we deliver a curriculum that intends to develop critical thinkers, nurture spiritual and moral development and prepare our children for life in modern Britain. The curriculum is underpinned by carefully chosen essentials designed to celebrate and develop our young people from their starting points. These essentials can be found at the beginning of each document. Through its delivery, our ten Hallfield values are reinforced and diversity is celebrated.


Children learn a variety of progressive skills and knowledge across their time at Hallfield. Our approach uses a broad and balanced spectrum of rich content and first hand experience. Subjects are taught separately but with the shared intent to encourage creativity, higher order thinking and a commitment to learning that will last a lifetime. Themes help contextualise learning and give purpose whilst also making links for long term memory development. They provide depth for greater understanding and increasingly complex skill development within each subject. This is enhanced by carefully chosen texts and experiences across the curriculum to enrich children's understanding.

Effective teaching and learning is our core purpose at Hallfield and we are proud to achieve excellent outcomes for all children through the delivery of the Hallfield Curriculum and in line with our Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Policy. 


To learn more about the curriculum in each year group, click on Hallfield's Curriculum below.

If you have any questions regarding the curriculum we teach at Hallfield, please contact the school directly.


Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Policy