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At Hallfield, we have embedded the mastery approach to teaching mathematics. Please see the document below to find out more about the approach:

The Hallfield Mathematics Framework employs Power Maths and its lesson sequences alongside teachers continuous assessment and adaptation. It is designed to map out the mathematics curriculum for each year group and ensure that there is consistency across the school in models and tools used to make maths meaningful for our children. The parents’ version of the Mathematics Framework can be found below as an idea of the sequence and resources we use in school.

To help us achieve depth of understanding and mastery, we use the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract model when planning and delivering lessons. The presentation below gives a brief introduction to the model:


Please look out for Parent Workshop letters throughout the year.


Mathematical concepts can sometimes be quite abstract. In order to support children’s conceptual understanding, different resources are used in maths lessons across the school. A number of resources are used for different maths domains, but the resources below are the main ones used by each year group. This ensures consistency across year groups and progression in the use of more abstract resources (eg: place value counters where the same sized counter represents different values).


Numicons are mainly used by years 1 and 2. Each Numicon represents a different number (1 to 10). Children can count the circles and recognise the shapes and colours of different number representations. They might notice that odd numbers have an ‘extra bit that sticks out’ and even numbers don’t, and that a 4 Numicon and a 6 Numicon fit perfectly together to make a 10 Numicon (4 + 6 = 10). Children use their understanding of Numicons when they move onto using ten frames to carry out simple calculations.


Dienes are mainly used by years 3 and 4. Each diene block represents ones, tens, hundreds or thousands and is a different size; they help children understand the base ten counting system and bring to life the relationship between ones, tens, hundreds and thousands. They can be used to reinforce children’s understanding of place value and help them when using all four operations (+, -, X and ÷).



Place value counters are mainly used by years 5 and 6. These are similar to dienes in that they represent ones, tens, hundreds or thousands, however each counter is the same size and has its value written on it instead. These are usually used on place value mats when comparing numbers or carrying out one of the four operations. As children start to explore and use larger numbers (beyond 1000), they move onto using plain counters.


Below are some other useful resources that are used by different year groups. Feel free to print the ones you need and practise at home with your child! Please note that the year groups are for guidance only; your child may benefit from using resources from preceding year groups.

Useful Websites

Mathsframe (check with your child or teacher for generic log in details)

Mathletics (years 2 to 6 pupils have individual log in details)

Maths is Fun

Learning Games for Kids

Resources Woodlands Junior

Maths Games

CGP Time Table Tester

The school Run (Mathematical vocabulary for parents)

Learn Time Tables using Songs

Which one is your favourite? Can you make up your own times table song?

2 times table (Cover of Rude)

3 times table (Cover of Uptown Funk)

4 times table (Cover of Blurred Lines)

5 times table (Cover of We Can’t Stop)

6 times table (Cover of Cheer Leader)

7 times table (Cover of Cups)

8 times table (Cover of All About That Bass)

9 times table (Cover of 90’s songs)

10 times table (Cover of Look What You Made Me Do)

SATs Practice

Below are some SATs-style questions to help children in years 2 and 6 practise every day. Answers are included and the KS2 'Problems of the Day' 2017 include a video of how to solve the questions (click on YouTube icon for links).