Useful Links
Finding a Cleaner Air Route to School
We live in a busy city where the air quality can be quite poor; maybe you’ve experienced high levels of pollution on your walk to school. Luckily the Mayor of London has produced an interactive map of London that allows you to put in any route and be shown a low pollution walking option. This means that you could find a route to walk to and from school up to 30-60 per cent cleaner.
You can use the clean air route finder to choose the cleanest route to your destination by clicking on the following link:
Pupils from Reception to year 6 are subscribed to Mathletics, TimeTables Rock Stars and Languagenut. Pupils have a user name and password to access these sites. If you need them again, please ask your teacher.
Links to these websites are below.
School Gateway - Online Payment
We are a cashless school and have School Gateway for online payments (debit card and bank transfer). This means that you will be able to make online payments via the School Gateway smartphone app or website. You will also be able to view school meal balances and top them up at any time.